Inside Smash.
Joining us here.

We believe the biggest factor in achieving our vision is the people and the team we build. Smash is an environment to thrive and show your full potential. We’re diligent in whom we bring on board, but once you’re with us, you make your own success – with only yourself as your limit.

Highly Results-Driven

At Smash we’re highly results-driven; we’re very flexible and give you as much freedom as you want – as long as the results are coming in. If you believe in yourself and perform, you generate many opportunities for yourself here to take on other business, go into other portfolio companies, lead expansions into new markets (to name just a few). We’re meritocratic, and if you perform, you will get rewarded accordingly. Similarly for compensation – it’s heavily performance based. If you perform and believe in yourself to perform, you’re able to generate significant personal wealth.

Growth Potential

We believe personal and professional growth are paramount to success and happiness. Smash is growing at rates at the top of the Inc. 5000, and we’re just getting started. As the organization grows from 8 figures to 9 figures and beyond, there are many opportunities to step up and take on more responsibility, develop a career, and to grow into those roles and new skill sets. There’s always a new skill set you’re learning or developing. Not in a classroom, but in the real world.

Fast, Data-Driven
Decision Making

Unlike in a corporate setting where ideas have to be approved across many different hierarchy levels, and where it takes months to even contemplate a simple idea, at Smash we move fast and make rapid decisions. We eliminate situations where your ideas are rejected because your boss’s boss is emotionally attached to the status quo, or where somebody else higher in the hierarchy takes credit for your work. We cherish meritocracy and do our best to eliminate emotional biases from decision making. For anyone here this means any idea you can substantiate with a logical and economic rationale to grow or improve can be approved within minutes.

Direct Impact

Given the nature of our businesses and brands, any role at Smash is a very high impact. Every night in bed you can visualize the changes to thousands of people’s tomorrows your work makes. It’s very fulfilling to not wait 6+ months to see the impact of one’s work but to get almost direct feedback and reward.

Steep Learning Curve

Given the entrepreneurial nature of working in any position at Smash, the learning curve is incredibly steep and the slope hardly declines given the high-speed and fast-changing nature of our industries and brands. We face new, unexpected problems every day to which there might be no solution yet. This means new problems to solve and thus new learnings almost every single day. And you own your problems. You’re responsible for finding a solution yourself with your team. Combined with the high speed we move at, this yields the incredibly steep learning curve.

High Responsibility & Entrepreneurial Drive

We’re highly selective in whom we bring on board at Smash. In numbers, we’re more selective than almost any elite school. Given this scrutiny, we fully trust anyone joining us and any role comes with a lot more direct responsibility and decision power from the get-go when compared to similar positions at other firms. We do not believe in micromanaging. We believe in trusting in you to reach your highest potential and accomplishments. That’s the environment we create here.

Driven Environment

We have big goals for Smash. From our founder’s roots of building the american dream for everyone who joins the team. With a track record of building a 0 to $50m brand in less than 4 years

Team Environment

You can be assured that everyone you will work with at Smash both today and in the future has to pass a very high quality bar. We create an environment where you’re surrounded by smart, dedicated and hard-working people all on a mission to fulfill their dreams. This is our key focus for both Smash Group itself and any company and brand we build.

Access to Advisors

We specialize in e-commerce and distributing consumer products online. A big part of our network of advisors are experts in everything online. And we believe online retail is the future, very soon most transactions and most shopping will be completed online – we’re at the forefront of this wave.


We’ve grown Smash to 8 figures in less than 2 years, yielding a growth rate in the highest worldwide percentile, a task that takes other teams and entrepreneurs decades to build.
Unlike many other young companies, Smash has been profitable from day one, all expenses and projects are funded from diversified, hard cash profits, not from some VC investment tank.