Inside Smash.
Our Vision

Building a powerhouse of online-first brands. We're on track to becoming the first major consumer packaged goods company that isn't based in brick and mortar stores, but instead exists solely through its website.

Develop products people actually want

Across all our brands, we involve our customers from the very first day and create products they actually want, products that actually solve their problems and that actually create more value. We use a data driven approach to analyse thousands of product specific social media posts, reviews, product feedback, and more. Once we achieve a statistically significant product development suggestion, we implement it. As such, we complete 4-5 times more development cycles per year than any big conglomerate.

Focus on the customer

Retailers are loose with their promises to put the customer first. They depend on legacy brands that keep shelves full and leave consumers out in this cold. We believe that we can be better by focusing more of our efforts onto them—the people who make up each and every one of us!

Engage in direct conversations
with the customer

The internet has empowered consumers to bypass the traditional retailers and distributors. They are now able not only to purchase products but also become active promoters for brands they love that can't be found in stores anymore!

We’re moving fast

We are building a powerhouse of online-first brands. Each brand is currently in the process of taking from conception to 100M+ USD annual turnover and following our predictable, repeatable launch plan with them!

To maximize our expertise and to implement our vision we are implementing our models across a variety of consumer packaged goods verticals. We’re currently building and operating brands in the following verticals:

  • spa

    Beauty & Wellness

  • fitness_center

    Health & Fitness

  • lunch_dining

    Food & Beverage

  • pets

    Pet Supplies & Accessories

  • home

    Consumer Durables/Household Products

  • volunteer_activism

    Personal Grooming